New Vagrant boxes for Asqatasun!

Hi folks,

I’ve just created Vagrant box for Asqatasun.

Running a box fires up an Ubuntu (by now 14.04) and installs Asqatasun in a non-interactive way.

This is really if you wanna hack the box like restarting Tomcat (that you can’t do in a Docker). This will be also useful to test the scripts to upgrade from a version to another.

Have fun !


PS: noticed that #WinterIsComing we’re #MovingToGitlab :wink:

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Great work!
I want the same for Contrast-Finder!!!

OK easy :slight_smile: You may quite copy/paste it, as there is the complexity seems quite low. Don’t forget to create the suitable repos on Gitlab (“Contrast-Finder-vagrant”) and put the code in it.

Don’t hesitate if you need help :wink:

So here is the repos : Contrast-Finder-vagrant

Have fun !