New Docker image for `develop` branch

Hi folks,

If you can’t wait for the next release of Asqatasun, you can now use the “-SNAPSHOT” docker image of Asqatasun. This image is build with the develop branch.

So, and let say it clearly and loudly: this may not be stable. I repeat, this may not be stable. You may loose data. Now that you’ve been warned, let’s play with it :slight_smile:

The interesting point is for developers or testers or even brave and courageous people. When you want to try a fixed that has just been implemented, you don’t have to do a whole install, you just need to grab the image with

docker pull asqatasun/asqatasun:SNAPSHOT

and run your “-SNAPSHOT” Asqatasun:

docker run --rm --name asqa-snapshot -p 8282:8080 asqatasun/asqatasun:SNAPSHOT

then browse http://localhost:8282/asqatasun/ (MacOSX and Windows user may replace “localhost” by the suitable IP, cf documentation).

Far more easy than a whole complete install isn’t it ?

The Docker section of Asqatasun documentation has been freshly completed. And you can verify your image is the “-SNAPSHOT” one by looking at the release string in the footer of each page of Asqatasun.


URL de la documentation corrigée
avec un / final pour éviter l’erreur 404