I was just trying to add a contract to a site in dev mode, so using an internal DNS domain dedicated to dev site. But the form do not want to valid my url because, I think, the validation function want a valid domain suffix (like .fr .com …).
For example, http://mysite.local/ does not work. http:/:mysite.local.com/ do work.
Can it be possible to modify the validation function in order to be able to test dev site ?
http://mysite.com ----> it works https://mysite.com ----> it works http://mysite.com:8081 ----> it works https://mysite.com:8081 ----> it works http://login:pass@mysite.com https://login:pass@mysite.com http://login:pass@mysite.com:8081 https://login:pass@mysite.com:8081 ----> it works ----> it works ----> it works ----> it works http://login:pass@ https://login:pass@ http://login:pass@ https://login:pass@ ----> it works ----> it works ----> it works ----> it works http://login:pass@ https://login:pass@ http://login:pass@ https://login:pass@ ----> it works ----> it works ----> it works ----> it works http://login:pass@ https://login:pass@ http://login:pass@ https://login:pass@
Hi @Blink38, thanks for your feedback. Initially, Asqatasun was meant to run on public servers on the net and in the past (~5-6 years ago) we had user mismatching their local and real URL. Time has changed, Docker image has arrived, we need to remove this !
In order to enhance the specification of the tests we should do (or not), could you tell us how mysite.local is revolved ? What is the IP address associated ? More precisely, is it a local one (192.168.x.y, 172.16.x.y, 10.x.y.z) or a public one ?
@fabrice your last example “citroën.fr” is valid but from a different class: domain with accents. I suggest we deal with this in a second time
I spent a few hours digging the Docker network stack to get this :
In fact, I do not reproduce your issue. Analysing local URLs is possible and feasible. But there is a trick do to Docker way of dealing with network.
Short version:
Grab the IP of your docker0 interface, and use it as the URL to analyse. This way you analyse the website served by your local Apache (or whatever webserver).
To find this IP address, just run ipconfig.
Long version:
To troubleshoot your issue, I need to know how mysite.local is resolved. Said differently, where is your web server ? I assume on your machine, i.e. the host of the Docker image. Now how is it configured, is mysite.local bound to or another IP ? If another IP, is this IP attached to your host ? And is it the only IP address of your host ?
Could you share the result of:
host mysite.local
and if possible dig -t any mysite.local
My point is : you may have a complex DNS configuration that may not be related to an Asqatasun issue
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