I’d like please to make sure that I’ve well understood the meaning of the following results :
Pre-Qualified : Is it like a suggestion ? I’ve seen the example of non decorative image.
Not Applicable : We can’t apply some accessibility tests on the content we are auditing ?
Not Tested : ?
I don’t know how to interpret the Not tested results, is it something that I need to improve ?
Please correct me if I’m wrong about the Pre-Qualified and Not Applicable results.
not applicable: the subjet we want to test is not present (example : criteria 2.1 acts on iframes, if I don’t have any iframe in my page, this test is Not Applicable)
We introduced 2 more results :
Not Tested : a test on which Asqatasun can’t say anything (example in theme 4: the relevance of subtitle synchronisation)
Pre-Qualified : Asqatasun couldn’t grab enough data to state with confidence whether it is Passed, or Failed or NA, but gathered valuable clues that may help a human to quickly assess a result. Those ones are time savers