Asqatasun 6.0.0-alpha.1 is out! Huge maintenance work + PostgreSQL + contracts in API

Hi folks,

I’m excited to announce the release of Asqatasun v6.0.0-alpha.1!

This new major version is the result of a huge refactor and maintenance work. We upgraded :arrow_up: to Java 17 and Spring Boot 3.1, and also a lot of underlying dependencies.

We now support PostgreSQL :sunglasses:

The API now provides endpoints to manage contracts :page_facing_up:

Official docker images are not built yet, but for the impatient, you can use the Docker for developer images


Thanks to @koj for the impressive heavy work on this release, and all contributors that helped Asqatasun being at this level now :smiley:

Changelog for 6.0.0-alpha.1


  • PostgreSQL support #564
  • API: Provide endpoints to manage Contract domain entity #696


For developers:

  • SQL table user (singular) is renamed users (plural). This applies to all supported RDBMS: MariaDB, Mysql and
  • Upgrade to Java 17 #665
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.1 #667, #666
  • Logs are more consistent and less verbose


  • Fix site audit feature #690
  • Fix audit exports (PDF, ODS and CSV) from webapp UI #559


  • Upgrade lots of dependencies (amongst which Selenium 4.16, Maven 3.9)



Swagger for the API: